Friday, June 29, 2012

My, my, my.... :)

PictureLife has been just grand this last week!  I am going to start with last Friday!  I went to the Empress yet again to see "Oliver!" with Nathan Stolp and the Holgerson girls (minus Sequoia...).  We had an absolute blast!!  Nathan and I hung out outside of The Empress while we waited for the Holgersons and we eventually flew to the moon! Haha, don't ask :P
Afterward we took him home and I think it's safe to say that was the funnest car ride home I've ever been on!  Gotta love good friends!!

On Monday night I had Family Home Evening at the Singles Ward. Let me tell ya, I am loving being with people my age!  I love it there!  Tonight we are going to Manti to see the Manti Pageant! :D  Our activity on Monday was a cook off and we made a really yummy food that I am not so sure what to call....
It is a shortcake with a banana slice on bottom, a mixture of chocolate pudding and  cool whip, with some chocolate chips, and a banana slice on top.  It was amazingly delicious, but then had chocolate!  I was satisfied! ;D
  On Wednesday I went on a really fun shopping trip with Kelsey!  It was awesome!  We interrupted Empress rehearsal by blasting One Direction past them twice!  I have been converted to One Direction completely!  I absolutely love them!  My current favorite is "Na, Na, Na"  :)  On the way to Plato's closet we were singing a song, talking about them, and then we drove past the Maverik center where the sign for their concert next year showed and we both simultaneously slapped each other, pointed at it, and screamed!  Hahaha!  It was the funniest thing ever!  I have noticed that One Direction has turned a lot of my friends (and me) into screaming girly teenagers!  Haha!  It's funny!   I got a couple new shirts at  Plato's which are pretty cute and they make me feel cute :) I love how I look in them!  I'll post a pic in a sec :)  I have to share one other thing that happened on the way home.  We were driving behind a car that had a stuffed animal type thing hanging off it's back end.  IT was funny!  Now the pics! :)
The picture of me is only of one shirt. I wasn't having a good hair day when I wore the other one :P
I don't like pics I take of myself very often, but this one isn't to bad!  :D

BAHAHAHAHA!!! :D I want one!!
Well I have more, but....I think I will be done for now :)  More later :) Have an amazing to whoever reads this.  As far as I know that is only one person, but hey!  Have a great day to Perry! :P

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