This is something I wrote about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Feel like sharing it. :)
Charity and love are healing; These will give the clearest sight; When I saw my brother's failing, I was not exactly right. Now I'll take no further trouble; Jesus' love is all my theme; Little motes are but a bubble When I think upon a beam." -Hymn 273
I think this last week and a half taught me a lot of lessons. You can do something really stupid and hurt someone's feelings, but when you sincerely try hard to correct it the Lord will step in. Especially when you are at the end,when those you've offended won't forgive you or you won't forgive yourself. Sometimes both. What is most important is recieving the Lord's forgiveness and striving to stay on his side. As long as we do our part in correcting a wrong He will make everything work out how it is supposed to. D&C 64:10 came to my mind a lot. "I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men." I saw it in a different light. I saw it pertaining to me forgiving myself for what I had done. I don't believe that the forgiveness of those you wronged is neccessary to your happiness (although it can affect it.) I do believe that forgiving *yourself* is a major part. When we don't forgive ourselves we tend (at least I tend) to grudge on through life seeing yourself as horrible because of that one thing. The fact of the matter is, we aren't! We are each children of a loving Heavenly Father who has given us SO much to help us better ourselves and rise to our true potential, which is to be like him! He loves us so much he allowed his son to come here and atone for those stupid mistakes we make. I feel like if I am to show him that I am truly grateful for that sacrifice I need to quit wallowing in self pity and live my life the way he wants me to. This post is a lot longer than I planned, but it shows the lessons I have learned. The biggest lesson I had to relearn was that I am a daughter of God and he loves me so much! And I love him! :) ♥
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