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Sarah!! |
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Sequoia!! |
Heather. The friend that I am truly unseperable from. We have so many memories together and we will have many more. I love you so much!! :D
Heidi Kay! My amazingly awesome friend! You make me want to be so much more stronger in the gospel. I look up to you so much! I love that we are in the same seminary class this year. You wake me up every time. Hope we can have some more play dough fun again some time!
Ellen, Ellen, Ellen! Friends since 2nd grade the friend that I can act like I'm 4 with without caring. Oh goodness how I miss you!! You are my bestest friend! :P <3
Gorgeous Shannon! You have been such a great friend to me. I appreciate it SO much!! I don't know what I'd do without your light in my life. Love ya! :)
AAH! Tyler Barber! (My sweet baboo. :P) You have been such anamzing friend to me! The caption really speaks the truth! You make me smile. :D What would I do without your sweet laughter? Love you! <3
Jessica Pope. You are so amazing. It's as simple as that. You make me want to be stronger and more determined in my life. :) Thank you for your friendship and the slinky!! :D
Joshua, you have been one of my best friends in the trying times I've had lately. We've grown so close lately. Thank you so much for all you do for me! Love you!
Kelsey: Hey Meghan! Do they have the same smelling? Meghan: *sniffs* nope! I don't think so!
I think I have more inside jokes with you than with anyone on planet earth. I love you! You are so amazing!
Brook. My oldest friend. I remember the days that I would sneak out of my house and go to yours not caring if I'd get in trouble. I just wanted to play with you. I was looking at my old scrapbook and found the pictures of us when we were like 4 watching the Barney production thing. I love you and miss you so much!!
Brandan and Juli. First at Brandan. I am so excited for you to go on your mission! You are going to make such an amazing missionary. I wish I could be as righteous as you are. Now at Juli: I love you so much! You've been there for me through thick and thin! What would I do without you?? Now to both of you: You guys are my long lost older siblings! I look up to you two so much! You will both be great missionaries! Can't wait to start writing those letters to you!! :D
Tyler Harmon. You are such an amzing and influential person. You try so hard to make everyone happy even when you may not be yourself. You are such a selfless person. I admire that about you! Thanks for being such a great friend! :D
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