Monday, October 3, 2011

Creative Ways to ask a Guy/Girl to a dance

I am getting ready to ask a friend of mine to the Cyprus Sadie Hawkins dance.  Now the hard part is how do I ask him?  Yes, there is the traditional, call him up and say: "Do you want to go to Sadie's with me?", but I don't want to .  This is one of the few times I can ask in an awesome way so I am ready to go for it!  I've been thinking really hard and my brain started to hurt so I turned to my good friend, Google.  I found so many ideas and I know exactly which one I am going to do.  I am not saying at this moment in case this friend stumbles upon my blog.  :)  Here are some of the ones that I thought were pretty cute.
The first few are from a KSL website (click here)
  • Coordinate with a family member to place an alarm clock under the recipients bed set to go off in the middle of the night (or other time). Place an invitation on the clock that says: "It's Homecoming time! Will you take the time to go with me?"
  • Leave a combination lock on the front porch. Leave a note that they must "unlock" the mystery of who is asking them to the dance. Have a list of names of possible people asking and a combination by each of their names. The combination that unlocks the lock is the person asking. A fun twist on this would be to place the lock on a box of candy that could be eaten once the lock was open.
  •  Leave a bunch of rubber ducks floating in a bucket, small pool or in their bathtub, and a note that says: "Of all the duckies in the lake you're the one I want to take." You could also do this with frogs saying: "Of all the froggies in the lake you're the prince I want to take."
  • Have a police officer pull over the person being asked or call them to the police station and give them the invitation to the dance.

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