So why do I feel photography is so important? I feel that when you take a picture you are capturing a person's personality as well as his/her youth! In my opinion a well taken picture is the best way to make anyone look young no matter how old! It really bothers me that people use this amazing gift that Heavenly Father has given mankind to create such garbage! I don't understand -nor will I ever- why people choose to do that. That is why I am choosing to share my talent with everyone and really capture the greatness of people! I am going to share some of my favorite photography sites! FYI: Some links will be to facebook pages, or other blogs.

The first I am going to share is Whimsy Photography! My dear friend Shannon is the photographer!
Her style is so unique! She always seems to have the best places to shoot! I have had my pictures taken by her a couple of times! At one point I was her guinea pig for pictures in the snow. It was so much fun! If you are looking for someone to take gorgeous pictures that are so fun at the same time go with Shannon Jones! :D
Click here for her facebook page

The next is Kay Photography! This one is ran by my gorgeous amazing friend Heidi Kay!
Heidi has a way with a camera that I can't really find the words for. I love to look at her photography! She is so good at capturing her subjects personality.

This is LaFay Photography. It is run by my dear friend Juliana.
Her page is a little different than everyone elses. Juli has mostly pictures of subjects other than people. She has a really bold style. She is really good at making every picture she takes just pop with personality!
Click here for her facebook page.
For copyright purposes I am just posting links to facebook pages here on out.
My absolute favorite professional photographer is Alixan Loosle. She is so amazingly talented! Her pictures have such a soft soothing effect to them. Click here for the facebook page.
I hope you enjoyed looking at those different photographers. I know I do! Everyone has their own style of photography and I love to explore the different styles that I encounter! If you would like to see my pictures go to my photography blog.
Well there's my spiel! Hope you made it to this point! :)
Wow! That was so sweet of you to let each of us shine! Thanks for the free publicity! Lol, just kidding. But still, this made me (and I'm sure Heidi and Shannon too) feel very special. Thank you, NutMeg! <3