Tuesday, February 1, 2011

♪♫ Lyrical Tuesday ♪♫

♪♫ Lyrical Tuesday ♪♫
Yes it's Lyrical Tuesday again!  You know the drill.  I post the lyrics you guess the songs!  Here we go!
Number 1:
♪♫ You made me laugh some
You made me cry some too
You sent me off into a world of pain
And made me someone new
You made all kinds of promises
But only some came true
Now I know you need me more than I need you

Number 2: ♪♫ I've got a good job I work hard for my money
When it's quittin time I hit the door runnin'
I fire up my pickup truck & let the horses run
I go flyin' down that highway to that hide-a-way ♪♫

Last one: ♪♫  Take me above your light
Carry me through the night
Hold me secure in flight
Sing me to sleep tonight ♪♫

Send me those comments!  Can't wait to see if you get em all right!  No cheating!  Google is not allowed to help in this game!

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