Friday, January 7, 2011

Snap Photography

I created a facebook page for my photography pictures!  I have really gotten into taking/editing pictures.  I call it "Snap Photography.  I'll show you some of what I've done.  Give me your opinions!

I like this one.  Shows that there are to many boys for one girl to choose from! (notice in the back of the picture there is one girl in this mess of boys)

I love my Fugitives!
If you'd like me to send an invite to you for the "Snap Photography" page leave me a comment and if we're friends I'll send you one!
Now for another subject..."Whimsy Photography"  My friend Shannon is absolutely amazing at taking pictures so naturally I had to have her take mine!  New Years day off we went.  Here are the results:

This one was one of my most favorites to do!


tree hugger!  =-P

Pretty Dang awesome right?!  It was a ton of fun to do!  If you're interested in having Shannon take your pictures go to her Facebook page "Whimsy Photography" and contact her!  She is amazing!

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