Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meghan + Old Picture = LOTS of Memories!

So I found this old picture in my scrapbook...
I pixelated it for safety.  You never know when a freak will visit your blog. =)

I posted it on Facebook and for about 2 weeks I got tons of comments from former class members.  We talked about old memories from Elementary School. The good and the bad.  The picture you see was not my favorite year in school it was (3rd, 4th or 5th Grade).  I loved 1st and 2nd Grade.  5th Grade was my worst and final year in the public school system.  That was the year that my mom passed away and the year of the "school opera".
  "Ben and Joe in Space" is what it was called.  Ugh!  One of the things I will never smile at when I look back at my past. =/ (shudders) bad memories.  You try being an alien Mom and having people laugh at you when you come out on stage(they're not supposed to...).  I guess that contributes to my dislike of acting.  I absolutely LOVE watching plays!  I went to "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at Cyprus and I loved it!  I saw it twice and I wish I could go again!  I just don't like acting on stage.  I can do skits at scout camps, but not dramatic things at theatres, schools, etc.
  The End.

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