Monday, December 13, 2010

So this is what I did.....

My weekend did not go quite as planned.  My date ended up getting canceled at the last minute (for a good reason) =(.  So I called up Kelsey and we decided to go to the movies.  Any guesses what we saw?
Yeah you guessed it Tangled!  We had to follow the rest of the crowd and go see it!  Amazing movie!  In my opinion it's not the best Disney princess movie ever, but it's pretty awesome in itself.  My favorite Disney princess is the amazing the wonderful rhyming queen....
Snow White 
Snow White is pretty awesome, but there is a glitch in this.  While Snow White is my favorite princess it's not my favorite princess movie.  Any ideas which one is?  Well it's got one of my favorite lines of all time in it.  It's the awesome......
Oh yeah!  My favorite line comes from this character in the movie......
"I set my trap for a peasant and ,lo, I catch a prince! (enter evil laugh here)"
My favorite!!!!  After the movie Kelsey and I went to the freezing cold park and took pictures!

It was really cold outside!

I like it!
I like this one too!
So that was Saturday.  Sunday was pretty hectic.  My ward was having Night of Excellence where all the Young Women show one thing that they have been working on this year in Personal Progress. I chose to do my Choice and Accountability project which was being involved in the election.  It went pretty well!  I earned two ribbons for my scriptures: Choice and Accountability and Virtue (6 more left to earn!).  
I also got my picture taken by the amazing Mindi!  
  It's not bad I actually kind of like it.  I am not the most photogenic person on the planet, but Mindi did pretty good!  Well that was my adventure for the weekend.  What did you do?

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