Sunday, December 5, 2010

Festival of Trees/Happy Birthday!

So my dance studio went to the Festival of Trees last night and performed! I think I am the only one that can honestly say she had a lot of fun!  The stage is really slippery so it's really hard to stay on the ground.  I didn't fall because I was pretty dang prepared.  I sprayed my the bottoms of my shoes with hairspray (to make them sticky) twice, put on some duct tape and roughed it up to help it grip the floor, than I sprayed it with hairspray two more times so I was fine.  Here is a video of our dance.  We danced to "We wish you a Merry Christmas"
After we were finished performing we went and looked at all the awesome trees!  Warning: The pictures are don't have a very good quality to them.  My camera was dead so I had to use our camcorder which isn't the best at only 1.3 MP so yeah (sorry Shannon I know that bugs you. =P)

Pretty dang awesome right?!  Anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY VERY BEST FRIENDS!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUIDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I'll be celebrating from afar off with you!

Love, Eeyore  (had to use that name one more time for old times sake!)


  1. I went and looked at the trees. They were AMAZING!!! I didn't see the Elmo one but I did see a batman one and toy story 3, which i wanted. I also saw a 50's one (at least I think that's what it was!)

  2. I didn't see a Batman one! Aww man! Did you take pictures???? I saw the toy story one and the 50's one. They had a really cool pooh bear one with lots of Eeyore on it and I tried to take a picture and people kept getting in my way, finally took it and this lady walked right in front of the camera! Ugh!

  3. Aww that sucks I'm sorry. People kept getting in my way too. I think I might have one of both the batman and the pooh bear one.
