Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I vote (i wish) Thatcher for Senate!

This election I've been really involved!  Since I can't vote I figured that I should help out a campaign or two.
    I really focused my efforts on Daniel Thatcher who is running for State Senate for district 12.
        I've been able to get to know him and his family really well.  If I was old enough to vote my vote would definitely go to him!
   My favorite part about helping him was the rewards I would get from his mom.  Sister Thatcher is the best cook ever (sorry Mom)!  My 2 absolute favorites of hers are her Kentucky Derby Pie and her Coconut Pie
Sister Thatcher's Apple Pie!
Unfortunately I only got a picture of her Apple Pie, but that one is good too!  She is one person that I've never had a complaint when it comes to her cooking!
    I've gotten a chance to get to know Daniel pretty well too.
He has really inspired me to study the Constitution more thoroughly.  
If I could vote my vote for State Senate would go to Daniel Thatcher!
For more info on Daniel before you go vote click on his name in the last sentence!

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