Saturday, September 18, 2010

I love my friends!

The title is pretty self explanatory. I love my friends!
The thing about friends is that you love them, but at other times they just plain drive you crazy, but than you still love them!
I am going to share a few things that my friends have done to me that have driven me nuts, but made me appreciate them more!
  • My Sunglasses. She stole my sunglasses! I laugh at it now!
  • They act like 6 year old's in public! Just walk away......than turn around and do it with them!
  • They Michael Jackson dance at random times in public! Oh well he's pretty good at it actually.
  • They accidentally say who you like in front of other people. Well um....I've done that too so I can't hold it against them.

Through all of this I know one thing: I don't know what I'd do without my friends!

Ellen, I need a picture of you! ASAP!


  1. k, i think i know who you are talking about with the sunglasses thing. but the rest i have no clue who they are. wait! i take that back. i know who the Michael Jackson person(s) is. haha

    anyways... theres one picture that makes me think of something... im not sure if you remember. im going to tell you anyways...
    "wheres mine?"
    p.s. how did you get the one of me and zach?

  2. I remember the "Where's mine" thing..Another inside joke between us.
    I got permission from Zach and I downloaded the picture.

  3. When you are talking about some one who stole you sunglasses are you talking about me? Haha

  4. no.....okay yes I am Kelsey.

  5. You're blog is SO cute! Glad to be following you now :)

  6. Thanks! I'm glad your glad to be following me as well. I feel like Kelsey is the only one who reads it, but she doesn't follow it (hint hint Kels).

  7. It looks like I don't have an arm!!!
