Thursday, August 12, 2010

I miss Sarah!!!!!!

This week has been kinda sad for me, because my BFF Sarah is gone in Idaho camping!
I miss her so bad! I can't wait for her to come home so I can have another "Laugh-A-Thon" with her!
You've got to see this video of her!

Anyway........ I am so excited for tomorrow!!!!! Why? Because I am going on my first date!!!!
Kelsey and I have been planning this for almost 2 months! Originally we were going to do an Ice Cream Sculpting contest. That would've been way fun, but her date lives in Sandy so that did not work out. I am excited anyway! I just hope my date has fun! He is a really good friend of mine that I've not seen in forever! So that makes it all the more better!


  1. So, your first date on Friday the 13th? How did it go?

  2. It went pretty well!!!! Sorry I did not see this comment earlier. I just found it!

  3. About the date......
    Next time i go.... I will not warn everyone not to run into the mirror then run into a cement wall!!!
    Haha it makes me laugh!

  4. Kelsey,
    You make me laugh! love ya!

  5. I'm glad I can make people laugh!
